Bega Valley Genealogy Society Inc

Record Holdings
Our Holdings
The Bega Valley Genealogy Society library has a large local section and most books are indexed for surnames. These surnames are then added to our Local Surnames Index, which is now up to volume seven.
We have microfiche and microfilm reader printers which are very useful for reading our vast collection of records on microfiche and local newspapers on film. There are four computers holding over 300 CDs, including BDM indexes for all Australian states, ‘Family Search’ and ‘Find My Past’ for international births and marriages; and much, much more!
We are connected to the internet, which allows you to search many free, family history sites. Also, we now offer our members access to ‘Find My Past’ covering USA, Canada, UK, Scottish Census, Ireland & Australasia.
The ‘X Local’ is defined as the rest of the Australia and the World. The Library contains so many records, there is over a 100 pages of titles, so we will list just a few, Convict, Exiles & Early Settlers, Family Histories and Biographies, Immigration and Shipping, International.
Library Holdings (x Local) August 2023
How to search a PDF using a browser
Open the PDF in any web browser
When it opens up, press CTRL+F or CMD+F on your keyboard, depending on your operating system.
A box will appear - type in the word you are looking for.
Use the up and down arrows in the box to toggle between the instances that word appears in the document.
All results will be highlighted.
The ‘Local’ area is defined as the South Coast of New South Wales from Batemans Bay to the Victorian Border and includes the Monaro.
The Library contains so much local information WHICH IS NOT ON THE INTERNET such as Family Histories and Collections of Biographies and the Pioneer Register, Local Rates Books for the Shire Councils and Lands Boards to name a few.
Have a look at our extensive Holdings List.
Library Holdings (Local ) August 2023
How to search a PDF using a browser
Open the PDF in any web browser
When it opens up, press CTRL+F or CMD+F on your keyboard, depending on your operating system.
A box will appear - type in the word you are looking for.
Use the up and down arrows in the box to toggle between the instances that word appears in the document.
All results will be highlighted.
Headstone photos of Bega Valley cemeteries up to 2010/2011
Images are available upon request - costs to be determined.
The Bega valley Genealogy Society holds full records covering THE KAMERUKA ESTATE for a period of over 160 years. These records deal with financial matters, employment records, dairy herd, cheese making records and everything to do with a varied and substantial Estate. It was professionally managed where everything was meticulously recorded for the benefit of absentee owners.
The Estate was developed along the lines of an English Village and was largely self-sufficient. It had up to 67 houses as well as public buildings, a Church, School and Sporting facilities. In 1914 the population was about three hundred and fifty, of whom thirty five men went to the Great War.
In the 1850’s, the Walker Brothers brought in a shipload of German workers and many of their dependents are still living in the district.
During its history Kameruka was used for beef and tallow production, later for dairying, sheep and wool and for a while fruit, with an extensive peach orchard. It suffered from all the usual farm problems, many of which sound familiar even today, including drought, flood, poor markets, price squeezing, transport difficulties and even a serious rabbit infestation. It is all in the papers
The Kameruka papers are complete, covering a long period and provide an original source of social and farming history.
Kameruka Holdings List 2013
The Foster Family (former owners of the KAMERUKA ESTATE) have given the Bega Valley Genealogy Society a very large collection of photographs of Kameruka.
To view or research this collection is by Appointment ONLY.
Example of the material available:
Day Work Sheets for R. Shooks – click on the below photographs for a larger view.

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Photo copyright Bega Valley Genealogy Society Inc